Monday, January 27, 2020
Differences Between Leadership And Management Management Essay
Differences Between Leadership And Management Management Essay 2.1 Introduction The aim of this chapter is to provide the brief overview of management, leadership and the differences between leadership and management. How these concepts work in any organisation and to elaborate the notion transformational leadership? This objective of this chapter is to focus on business leadership rather than a political leadership, military leadership and religious leadership and illustrate exhaustive treatment of this topic. 2.2 The Differences between Leadership and Management 2.2.1 Management In 1980, the organisational leadership has no difference between the leading and managing any organisation. Any person who has leading post in an organisation is a leader. A person who holds power and authority is a leader. It was different and novel idea that leadership and management have different approaches and different role, behaviour and responsibilities (Hernez-Broome and Hughes, 2007). There are many literatures those differentiate between leadership and management but they dont give you any clear understanding e.g. Bartol and Martin (1994), Bennis and Nanus (1985), Kotter (1982), Locke (1991), and Schein (1985) were those unable to draw a clear understand between leadership and management. They even did not provide any clear distinction between these concepts. There is no particular line of differentiate (Centre for Labour Market studies) (CLMS), 2009. Management is consisting of planning, organising, staffing, budgeting, co-ordinating and reporting and directing and known as an acronym POSDCORB (CLMS) 2009. All these heads come under management. However, management classifies as scientific concept. It is also argued that management is an art to thing get done through people. These are the priorities of the management to do all things in time efficiently. If we see in the above mentioned perspective management is about guiding, instructing, influencing, persuading and other skills related to the behavioural skill through different processes. Pedler et al. (1994), and Quinn et al. (1996), suggest that the nature of work is complex in the modern global environment and it is hard to have rare qualities of self awareness, self motivation and self knowledge, but it is important to have all these qualities for better and reliable management. These qualities nourish the management. These are the qualities which persuade the employees to the better work environment and can make organisation profitable. In addition, Quinn (1996) link modern management role with: develop the skills and abilities in subordinates of vision, creative thinking and positive change in the organisation. These also make subordinates innovative and knowledge sharing individuals, not just this many other positive changes as well. 2.2.2 Leadership Leadership is also difficult to define; it is not easy to give assumption or qualities which can anyone leader. Because leadership qualities vary according to the situation there is not fixed or planned situation for any person where he can show his leadership qualities that is why definition varies and depending upon the purpose of the author, as Stogdill(cites in Yukl, pp 251-289) observed there are almost many definitions of leadership as there are persons who have attempted to define the concept. There many concepts but three concept to be consider the fundamental concepts of leaderships are vision, inspiration and followers. But these concepts are the outside the boundary of the management. Management does not match these concepts (Burmeister, 2003). On the basis of these concepts we might be able to differentiate between leadership and management. Yukl (2008) attempts to justify and clarify the leaders role in an organisation and explaining the persuasive vision is tough at his best and leader does not lend itself to the management process. He makes and implements policies for the management to achieve the quantitative objective. Management does have the mission for the organization but does not have the dynamic vision which leader has. Leaders think beyond the boundary and their visions are impressive and more grip able. May be is not compelling argument that managers are unab;le to communicate or they think in a specified frame of mind. Maccoby (2000) described an interesting and useful factor which is helpful to differentiate between leaders and managers this point highlighted the difference between strategic leaders and operational leaders. He argued that the strategic leaders dream of the company in future and make the optimal use of all resources to get maximum output, while the role of the operational leaders to implement the vision. This might be the good categorisation to understand the difference between leadership and management. Regarding inspiration, Yukl (1998) stated that such this approach appeal to stimulus and linking to a persons proposal to understand the needs, values, hopes and ides of individual. According to Burmeister (2003) this type of approach is very different from the standard approaches like orders, logical arguments and other approaches which most of the mangers use. On the other hand, we can say that managers are unable to use their interpersonal skills; they can influence people to do any actions. So we can say most of the managers follow directive approach rather than the participative approach. Durcan and Kirbbride (1994) in the direct contrast suggestions that participative approach is mostly and widely practised, especially in US and other Anglo nations2, there are challenges to this notion that manager can be stereotype as directive and order givers. Even in Yukls (1998) managers are unable to influence on emotional level inspirational motivation (Bass 1995) is main objective of a leader. All these ideas tell us that leaders do not employ rational logic as a primary stimulus tool. This is the most crucial distinction which can be made between followers and subordinates. Subordinates are bound to follow the instructions but the followers are the influenced and inspired individuals. The term subordinates is used to determine the activities of a individual, who is directed by a supervisor (Bermiester 2003) 2 Anglo cultures include the U.K, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand (Hofstede, 1980) Yukl (1981) emphasize that leadership is a process whereby intentional influence (power) put on the followers by leaders; so the source to influence others will be discussed in chapter after. The Use of Power and Influence Subordinates and Followers The power and influence which leader use on their followers and manager use on their subordinates? French and Ravens (Gerloff, 1985) to list the following five point which can draw the power and influence on others. Coercive Power: This power comes from the reaction. If you are expecting something else and you get unrespectable or you can say your power to punish someone. Legitimate Power: Legitimate power comes from your rank or designation which you have. As big your position in any organisation same bigger would be your legitimate power. As power increase your responsibilities increase as well. Referent Power: This power you have if you are the boss or your personality is charismatic. This based on persons attractiveness and friendship with others. Reward Power: This power based on access to reward. People love that person how has this power because they want reward and power holder can offer this. Expert Power: This power comes from your knowledge, expertise, competence and information in particular field. Other people know that you have this power and they believe the power holders knowledge. Abstractly, the authority give an individual a power in any organisation called legitimate power; this power uses to control all the matter which needs to be solved from subordinates on a workplace. Legitimate power which establishes the relationship between the supervisor to subordinate and these ideas can easily clarify the difference between leader and manager. Furthermore, the legitimate power holder has also the reward and coercive power which is given by the organisation. (Bermiester, 2003). On the other hand, expert and referent powers are the ability of an individuals expertise, knowledge and their relations which he has with other individuals. He built all these quality by his own effort rather than he had any position in any organisation (David, Schoorman, and Donaldson 1997). Burmeister (2003) argues that the expert and referent power can create the relationship of follower to leader this relation would be based on acceptance and commitment, rather than a relation in legitimate power of a supervisor and subordinate where problems and resistance occur. It is also suggested that leadership conferred on person or a group or possibly a person of group. Therefore, leadership can be exercised on group of people which may not have the quality of a leader. This effort may be able to generate the leaders as a particular field of business. Furthermore, the vision, inspiration, follower, and some authors included goals are those qualities which leader should have. As Shackletons described in his definition; .leadership is a process in which an individual influences other group members towards the attainment of group or organisational goals. In this definition, three main component pointed out which Shacklton believes are the main and fundamental to leadership; existence of group, influence, goals, and set of goals which should be achieved under through proper channel. Other writer like Bartol and Martin (1994) define that how the leader influences the work of people to get the organisational goals. it is also noted that leader of any organisation influence the worker of organisation positively towards the achievement of goals banefully. There is possibility that leader can influence the people negatively which can be inappropriate toward the goal achievements. Sometimes they influence negatively to get achieve their personal goals which is totally unethical. In these words it is been tried to discuss the positive factors of leadership, controversial issues, and also tried to discuss the ethical problems also which can be faced. These are some issues which can be faced by any organisation from their leadership and there is a need to address all these issues. 2.2.4 Summary of Debate Even though many writers used the term leader and manger exchange ably (CLMS 1999), Shackleton (1995) argued there is no automatic link between these terms leader and manager because the managerial core function are planning, organising, scheduling, etc but these will not necessarily be the part of leadership qualities (CLMS, 1999). Other writers like Lcoke (1991), and Yukl (1998), suggests that leaders leader are those who make the vision for any organisation and the managers are those who implement that vision. However, this implies that leaders is not common it only exists only at the executive level and assumes a limited range process or role derives for mangers none of these theories, methods and concepts is helpful by the preceding decisions and analysis, Bennis and Nanus (cited in Shackleton, 1995:4) provide the neat distinction and leadership is path finding and doing the right things while management is path following and doing things right, but Maccoby (200) described a more useful difference between management and leadership which clarify the difference; he stated: Management is a function that must be exercised in any business, whereas leadership is a relationship between leader and led that can energise an organisation. 2.3 Transactional and Transformational Leadership Schein (1985) argued that a function of leadership which is major factor to contrast from management, it is creation of management and innovation and many dynamic organisational changes and dynamic organisational culture which accept every change. The main role of a leader is a change agent which is responsible for creation and the management of vision, and motivates the employees towards the organisational goals achievement. If we say this could be most important quality which a leader should have that is vision? This is most important theory of Leadership and which are overall known as New Leadership (Gronn 1995). Charismatic Leadership (Conger, 1989, Conger and Kanungo, 1988), Visionary Leadership (Sashkin, 1998) Servant Leadership (Greenleaf, 1977, 1996; Spears, 1998), and Transformational Leadership (Bass, 1985, Tichy and Devanna 1986) Transactional leadership is the major and vital factor which develops has scholarly quality in the leadership (Bryman 1992). To understand this concept more properly we would discuss transactional and transformational leadership in depth in following section. 2.3.1 Overview The historian James MacGregor Burns (1978) mentioned first time in his book Leadership the concepts and theories of transactional and transformational leadership (Humphreys and Einstein 2003), initially, his interest was preliminary political leadership, this term got popularity in political authorities and organisational management circles. Bernard Bass (1985) Burns explained the broader range of transactional and transformational leadership and furthers their behaviour towards organisation and the effectiveness of behaviour. In addition, Bass (1985) was not satisfied with Burns model and he challenged the model, he made assumption that transactional and transformational leader were mutually exclusive. While, Burn (1978) said that a leader could be once either transactional or transformational. But Bass (1985) argued that transformational leadership is a complement to the transactional leadership rather than a substitute. How does leader use these qualities and take out the organisation beyond the boundaries. 2.3.2 Transactional Leadership Transactional leader works under a specified environment and there is proper and clear structure of work and it also clear what is does he expect from their subordinates. What would be exchange between them and what reward they will be awarded? The initial stage of transactional leader is to discuss all the related matter with subordinates which need to be discusses before to start any work. Transactional leader allocates the work to the relevant person after that they are responsible to get the things done in time. Transactional leaders main responsibilities are the things get done in time, fulfilment of every requirement, any advancement if required and the reward to encourage people. You can ideally, these is decision between leader and follower that are u want reward or punishment (Bass, 1985; Daft, 1999). Even though, the transactional leadership is an effective approach. There is no emotional relationship between the leader and followers and also no commitment, no personal development not any other social relation (Podsakoff at el 2003). There is a transactional relation between the leader and follower. The person who holds the power gives orders to their employees or followers to get things done. So we can say simply the main focus of transactional leadership is get thing done. In addition, Bass (1990) also warned that the transformational leadership can be a prescription for mediocrity. He also defends that leadership emphasise on massive output and to reduce the shortfalls and they mostly relies on passive management. The performance and the efficiency of the transactional leadership governed that how they are controlling the rewards and penalties, because these are main objectives of a leader. We can also notice that the followers want rewards or they have any kind of penalty fear. Yukl (1989) also argue that when any leader manipulates their followers through reward and punishment, he is not a leader in real sense. In the above mentioned scenario, when a leader uses legitimate, reward and coercive power to handle their followers, it is look more common to the management rather than the leadership. Apparently, there is not a major difference between leadership and management. 2.3.3 Transformational Leadership On the other hand, Burns (1978) argued that the transformational leaders have different types of relation, duties and objective according to diverse environment but the political leaders, they engage with their followers through their involvement, emotions, trust, commitments and their identifications. Bass (1985) elaborate that, in the organisation the transformational leadership occurs when the leaders mission, vision and the development ideas matches with the followers for the boom of any organisation and also provide resources for the personal development as well (Bass 1985, Avolio 1994). Transformational leadership is a method or process where the both followers and leaders move their self towards the process of development with the standard level of trust and motivation. In Transformation leadership the relation is based on fairness, justice innovation, motivation, equality and integrity and Burns (1978) called them end values. End values are those which cannot be negotiate and exchange between leader and followers on transactional basis. This shows that transformational leaders most commonly work for social and ethical manners. The transformational leaders do not manipulate results through deception and conditional reinforcement (Bass 1997). The followers response totally in free given environment and do not want any return in transactional leadership (Mullin, 1992). After expressing all these standards, the transactional leader unites their followers and the most important they can potentially change the goals, objectives and beliefs of their followers (Humphreys and Einstein, 2003). Bass (1995) asserts that transformational leadership, followers work beyond exception because of the leaders influence. According to Bass (1985), transactional leaders achieve all this by using the combination of behaviour, which are known as the four Is of the transformational leadership (Avolio et al, 1991) Idealised Influence (Charisma) Inspirational Leadership Intellectual Simulation; and Individualised Consideration Charisma seems to be a necessary element but it is not enough for the transformational leadership. Attaining the Charisma in the eyes of followers is considered as central to succeeding as a transformational leader (Bass 1990). The behaviours which are linked with the charismatic leadership need to be explained more detail now. Especially, House and Shamir (1993) argued in charismatic leadership there is degree of confidence and articulation. In this way leaders work through high admirable, ideological, classical moral values and communication and high performance. They keep followers in a systematic and highly manageable relation. They linked in a very persuasive and less stress able environment. They also guide to followers towards denigrate their opponents (e.g. competitors). The leader has very clear set of goals for their followers to become a role model (Gardner and Avolio, 1998). Emphasising value and collective identification, taking extraordinary risks, and making substantia l personal sacrifices in the interest of the charismatic mission are also behaviours associated with charismatic leadership (House and Shamir, 1993). For the growth of any business we need inspired and motivated work force. Inspiration is associated with charismatic leaders; these leaders are able to excite their followers and can carry out great feats with extra efforts (Bass, 1990). There are some qualities which a inspirational leader should have to inspire any workforce, these qualities can be strong planner, lateral thinker, grip on vision and communication, principled and disciplined. Although inspirational leadership was initially subsumed by charisma (Bass, 1985). It is been separated there should be higher level of motivation among followers which occurs in the start from charismatic leadership, before being combined again from the charismatic-inspirational dimension (Avolio, 1994, Bass, 1998). Therefore, it is observed that charisma is necessary and major quality of inspirational leadership. But on other hand, Bass (1990) also discussed that some leaders may have charisma but they do not have inspirational quality to affect their followers. Charisma is necessary but not sufficient for the transformational leadership. Collins (2001) in his book Good to Great discussed about the successful executive (level 5) leaders, they were those who were modest and humble, without inspiring personalities. However, Collin recognises that these leaders had inspired standards. These standards with goals, objectives, trust that influence the followers through high performance, took risk which considered being extraordinary and this sacrifice made organisation exceptional. There is a possibility that the |Collins leader may not have the quality of persuasive communication, nevertheless they can possess the charismatic qualities. According to Tichy and Ullrich (1984) the transformational leader are who can convert a bankrupt company to profitable company. Transformational leaders are those who can bring any positive change in the organisation. As many other things are linked with transformational leader same as intellectual simulation, Bass (1985) considered this as the third factor of which is associated with transformational leadership by the promotion of intelligence, rationality, logical thinking and careful problem solving. A leader which is equipped with the quality of intellectual simulation has capability to show their follower the new way for the problems solution and would involve followers in problem solving (Avolio et al, 1988). Bass (1990) also believe that such type of leaders are tolerant and for the followers mistake and open new ideas for them. Bass (1985) the fourth dimension or factor of a transactional leader is individualised consideration. This identifies the role of a leader the role which a transformational leader plays for the developing followers, pay full attention to their needs towards their achievement and benefits. A transformational leaders struggle hard to create new opportunities for their developing followers and act as a coach and mentor for the development of an individual (Bass 1990). Under this dimension, Boehnke et al. (2003) emphasise the importance of entrust challenging and interesting tasks to followers to promote them and their development as well. Kuhnert (1994) further added that delegating authority is a necessary component when delegating tasks, it is a way to enable individuals to get educated from the decision making process. Collins (2001) also suggested that the real effective leaders who pay particular attention to the development of their followers as a necessary requirement for supporting continued organisational success after they leave. Regarding these last two aspects of transformational leadership, Bass concurs that intellectual stimulation and individualised consideration are not entirely charismatic in nature (Smith et al. 2004). In recent times, there has been interest in the concept of emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1995), and how it links to transformational leadership. This topic is explored in the following section. 2.3.4 Transformational Leadership and Emotional Leadership Goleman (1998) has strongly argued that is a requirement for the successful leadership and goes so far as to describe emotional intelligence as the sine qua non of leadership. Golemans (1998) components of emotional intelligence at work at work are described in table 2.1 on the following page. Table 2.1: The five Components of Emotional Intelligence at Work Component Definition Hallmarks Self Awareness The ability to recognise and understand owns moods, emotions, and drivers, as well as their effect on others. Self-confidence. Realistic self assessment. Self-deprecating sense of humour Self Regulation The ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods. The propensity to suspend judgement to think before acting. Trustworthiness and integrity. Comfort with ambiguity. Openness to change. Motivation A passion to work for reason that goes beyond money or status. A propensity to pursue goals with energy and persistence. Strong drives to achieve. Optimism even in the face of failure. Organisational commitment. Empathy The ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people. Skill in treating people according to their emotional reactions. Expertise in building and retaining talent. Cross-cultural sensitivity. Service to client and customers. Social Skill Proficiency in managing relationships and building networks. An ability to find common ground and build rapport. Effectiveness in leading change. Persuasiveness. Expertise in building and leading teams. (Source: Goleman, 1998) Barling et al. (2002) declare that there are many reasons why individuals high in emotional intelligence and they are more likely to use transformational leadership behaviour. The main and first step a leader who has ability to manage their own emotions and who shows self control and hold-up enjoyment which could serve as a role model for the followers. In that way, enhancing followers belief and respect their leader; this would be dependable with the spirit of idealised influence (Barling et al., 2000). Secondly, it focuses on the understanding ok others emotions, leaders with high emotions intelligence would preferably placed to realise the extent to which followers expectations raised, that is major feature of inspirational motivation (Barling et al., 2000). Third and major element of individualises consideration is the quality to understand followers needs and cooperate accordingly. To put more focus on empathy and ability to manage relationships positively, leaders are apparent towards emotional intelligence and they would likely to apparent individualised consideration (Barling et al., 2000). Barling et al. (2000) were able to provide experimental good reason for this position. And this was further imposed by Palmers (2001) research which have found similar correlation, 2.3.5 Transformational Leadership: Controversial Issues It is proven that charisma is regarded as a necessary quality for transformational leadership to occur, this implies that Basss third and fourth dimensions are not transformational in and of themselves, by his own definition. Some other questions which comes in existence when charismatic dimension analysed closely. For instance, because charisma is not an only the characteristic of transformational leaders but this is an additional factor which distinguish leaders from managers (Zaleznik, 1977), then there is possibility exists that the transformational and transactional typology communicate to nothing more than the distinction between work leaders and managers (Gronn, 1995). Furthermore, to the core build of the transformational leadership model, Gronn (1995) and other observer, like as Keeley (1995), and Lakomski (1995), have putted in to question its legitimacy, ethical applicability and experimental toughness. In terms of legitimacy of transformational leadership concept, Gronn (1995) emphasize that the transformational leader model described by Bass and his believers revive that leader is a type of hero or a great leader. He assert that these is no more than a tenuous casual connection between the exercise of a transformational leadership and desired organisational outcomes, such as performance effectiveness, and claims that what little empirical evidence exists derives from an extraordinary narrow methodological base (Gronn, 1995) 2.4 Development of Leadership in the Global Business Priority In the contribution of the 1996 collection of paper on leadership; the Leader of the Future, Bolt remarks; at the same time leadership is very vital for any organisation and there is no one to lead the organization because of the shortage of leadership. Drucker States: the lessons are unambiguous. The first is that there may be born leader, but there are surely too few to depend on them. To support this argument, approximately 75 percent (500) firms Gregersen et al. (1998) surveyed and did not think that they have an enough number of effective leaders (see also Brake, 1997). If we consult from DDI Leadership Forecast 2008/2009 than we can understand how much improvement is needed to develop the leadership in any organisation? The research shows that from 76 countries of the world 1,493 HR professional and 12,208 leaders participated in this survey. This summary shows us the short fall of leaders all over the world. The DDI Leadership forecast also shows that only 41 percent leaders are agree that the organisations are helping them to enhance leadership capabilities. Most of the organisation have been failed to provide chance to improve. Harvey et al, (1999) argued that there would be great competition for competent leadership in organisations in future, and this position is reinforced by the DDI leadership forecast 2008/2009. The leadership forecast indicated that the qualified leadership is becoming more and more difficult day by day. Iles (2001) sees improvement in the three major fields which need the Leadership improvement in the organisation. The increasing importance of HRM The increasing importance of knowledge and knowledge management. Changes in careers and career development. 2.4.1 The Increasing Importance of HRM The HRM is mostly view on the basis of competitive advantage basis Storey (1989) specifically focused on the gaining of employees commitment. He stated that the main factors of HRM (the deployment of human resources, evaluation of performance and reward etc.) as we discussed the earlier the legitimate, reward, coercive power to obtain compliance were mentioned are management techniques and these are the characteristics of transactional leadership. On the other hand, it was also argued that the expert and referent power could leader and follower relationship. Firms are using commitment oriented practice to gain competitive advantages, which further described how the attention of people is led (Iles, 2001). This shows that modern leadership competencies based on the more likely on the interaction (to gain commitment) rather than commanding and controlling (to gain compliance) (McGregor et al, 2004), and to implement transformational leadership rather than transactional leadership in the organisation. Stoerys (1989) described the types of HRM as hard and soft. These approaches linked with transactional and transformational styles of leadership. HRM which comes under the hard types of HRM mostly focus on the specific defined policies and procedure. These policies are cost effectiveness, lean production and use of labour. Legge (1995) called this a utilitarian instrumentalism in the relationship with employees. Transactional leadership considered as a utilitarian in nature and hard HRM practises associated with the transactional leadership (Bass, 1990). Conversely, the soft HRM is considered as development humanism (Legge, 1995) in this approach individuals integrated into work processes under such values trust, commitments and to communicate with each other. Therefore, the transactional le
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Administrative research paper
Operational efficacy in any institution is essential to the success of the organizational goals and objectives. Healthcare institutions encounter an increasing challenge in proper utilization of resources, improving care and lowering costs. The reduction of bottlenecks and the implementation of solutions that facilitate efficient elucidations to major challenges allow any business to prosper. However, In Long term acute care (LATA) hospital facilities for seniors, the assertion Is easier said than done.Successful action management is not a ââ¬Ëone time' event. Our Lady of the Lake demands rational ND accurate decision-making. The capturing, evaluating and improving data is the first phase on the path to prosperity. This research paper examines the fundamental aspects of operational management in an L TACT hospital setting. Our Lady of the Lake is focused on how events will be planned and organized to advertise the hospital and ensure that the community embraces all of the services .Our Lady of The Lake Hospital explores how advertising will be done to increase the publicity of the facility. In conclusion, it explores the purchasing and inventory processes that the Hospital ill need in order for its success. Operation management is focused in dealing with facts to streamline future performance of an organization. Therefore, it is imperative to capitalize on the sizes and accuracy of data collected.The tools that are essential for improving the operation of L TACT are contained in the data collected. The management of the analyzed data is essential in supporting quality decision-making. Inherently, data is determined by the numbers and figures collected. In each series of numbers lies a specific pattern. The recognition of the trends in these series enables one to exploit hem in improving the day-to-day operations of the facility (Russell & Taylor, 2010).The critical phases of ensuring effective operation management in L TACT hospitals include: Setting the obje ctive Identifying the inherent and potential risks Defining success criteria in terms of benchmarks Assessing risks involved in meeting the set success criteria Producing the action plan and setting the timeline Implementing the action plan Monitoring and reviewing the outcomes of the plan The increasingly competitive healthcare industry requires facility management to improve hospital and health systems through the incorporation of innovative operation management strategies utilized in other successful industries such as manufacturing plants and factory floors to get ahead of competition and gain market share through the provision of high quality health services. The Kamikaze Technique will be utilized to ensure success in the facility. The technique is widely and successfully used in the manufacturing industry.The approach will comprise of the analysis of the client's experience from start to finish. This will be a continuous process where relevant and appropriate alterations will be initiated to improve all service aspects. The process starts from the design of the facility, through the organization of surgical supplies and planning of Mrs., to the movement of clients. As the operations gradually improve, the facility will save 3. 5 percent per patient annually. The efficacy improvements will enable the hospital serve 40 percent more clients in the next five years. The move will allow the company to circumvent more than $30 million in capital expenditure.Therefore positioning the hospital to have sufficient funds for further expansion. Planning and organizing events New businesses require marketing regarding their existence, the offering of alternatives, improved services compared to the existing ones and consumer awareness. Community events are among the events that have previously proved successful in engaging the community to ensure that they can identify with an organization. The events that involve patients and their family members are essential in dem onstrating the potential of a L TACT facility. Considering that Our Lady of the Lake hospital in this research paper is new, it is essential to demonstrate to the public the potential of the services and the staff.Initially, in order to reach a wide customer base, the hospital will engage the services of an advertising agency to forums for adults where they can freely interact with the hospital staff. The marketing department will use the opportunity to promote the services offered by the facility. For children, the events will include plays that will keep them engaged as the adults are given information about the hospital and the new services that will be offered. It is imperative to develop a strategy that will ensure attracting a huge customer base. In this regard, the hospital will offer free long-term service for the first three patients in each of these events.Others that will attend the events will be given free one-time service and consequently requested to make follow-up vi sits to the facility (Punk, 2013). Planning and coordinating advertising for visibility The emergence of many hospitals requires that the institutions invest significantly on advertising to promote the services offered and attract clients. Intrinsically, few hospitals do not advertise their services particularly those that offer services unavailable in other hospitals such as cardiac and neurological services. In financing advertising, hospital managements require implementing a variety of best raciest to ensure the success of the strategy (Russell & Taylor, 2010).These strategies will be utilized to ensure the success of the L TACT facility. The facility will embrace retail advertising. This strategy requires taking the promotions to where the potential clients are located. Prior to camping in these locations, the hospital will place adverts in the local newsprint, social media, bill boards and television. The adverts will only be meant to catch the attention of the public about a forthcoming exhibition in selected shopping malls building one on one relationships with community members. The actual demonstrations will be inducted in the exhibition stands in a variety of the selected shopping malls, parks and streets.The approach will allow clients see the available products while marketing staff will explain the services, and the physicians and clinical officers will answer questions (Carcinoma, 2013). The marketing division will target holidays and condition-cognizance months to promote the technology, services and medical staff. The holiday-based promotion is projected to expand. The hospital will therefore have the opportunity to engage clients, relatives and medical staff in a constructive way. At the same time, the managements will attract media coverage. Considering the wide target market, the management will require increasing the marketing manpower (Moan, Kumar & Superhumanly, 2013). Additionally, it is imperative to be discriminatory when selecting th e advertising and promotion efforts.For instance, it is economical to label the pharmacy bags of the hospital. Passersby are likely to notice the hospital's logo on the bag when carried by a patient. They will become inquisitive about the new hospital in their backyard and people tend to remember images the more they see them. To properly encode a memory, you must first be paying attention. Since you cannot pay attention to everything all the time, most of what you encounter every day is simply filtered out, and only a few stimuli pass into your conscious awareness. Purchasing and inventory The first step towards the effective operational management is the purchase of of processing devices and servers.The Health Information Technology (HIT) will cater to the rest of the software to run an efficient operational management system. There is a wide range of inventory materials that require to be purchased for maintaining patients' records. However, considering the contemporary level of technological advancements, it is imperative to embrace emerging technologies to ensure competitiveness in the healthcare industry. Among the technologies that will be utilized in the facility to facilitate operational management include Electronic Health Records (ERR), Electronic Medical Records (EMMER), Personal Health Records (PAR) and Health Information Technology (HIT). To successfully purchase and implement the technologies, there will be a process involving the mapping of chart data.This process aligns contemporary used data components with the features of the ERR. In order to maximize the reimbursements of the HIT, the conversion process will be leaned and the workflow will be reviewed to establish any opportunities for improving the processes. The digitizing of all the hospital records will simplify and prompt access of any information that facilitate the efficient delivery of services. These technologies will be integrated with accounting packages that will enable the eval uation of the hospital's financial performance while reflecting the impact of other technologies aimed at streamlining service delivery (Russell & Taylor, 2010).The Arena BOOM Control assists organizations in managing bills of materials (MM). It also helps in controlling the equines change process while sharing product and service information with suppliers and providers. Using such a strategy in the L TACT facility will ensure that the right products are generated, patients get the right service, schedules are met and costs are controlled. Implementing solutions using an operational lens, the facility will receive extra- and well-earned-visibility in addition to the attention received through advertising. The package is essential for monitoring resource utilization. References Carcinoma, A. (2013). Strategies for hospital advertising success.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Analysis Of The Medical Marketplace Health And Social Care Essay
My female parent ââ¬Ës experience with the medical market place in Nigeria is non unlike the experiences of immature female parents and so many others. In 1987, my female parent gave birth to my oldest brother at the University of Calabar Teaching Hospital. She had been populating in Nigeria for her full life and had late married my male parent a few old ages before. Although my brother was a comparatively healthy babe, he suffered from terrible asthma onslaughts. At the clip, the interventions of asthma onslaughts were unwritten bronchodilators because inhalators were non readily available to be purchased in Nigeria. The customary process for antagonizing reoccurring asthma onslaughts was for one to see their physician, who would order one an unwritten bronchodilator that one could so buy from their local pharmaceutics. So my female parent took my brother to our local baby doctor who examined him and prescribed the unwritten bronchodilator, aminophylline. ( Harmonizing to the NIH , aminophylline is used to forestall and handle wheezing, shortness of breath, and trouble external respiration caused by asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and other lung diseases. It relaxes and opens air transitions in the lungs, doing it easier to take a breath ) . She so went to our local pharmaceutics to buy the aminophylline with the trade name name Franol. As a pediatrician-in-training, my Dad vehemently agreed with this determination and was the primary force in forcing the visit to the physician. He remembered that there were non many other merchandises on the Nigerian market that would be effectual. My female parent gave him one pill instantly and took him place to rest. Weeks subsequently my ma, a physician-in-training herself, was reading a local medical diary when she came to an article about forgery Franol. The article stated that there was imitative Franol on the market that was being distributed to all the pharmaceuticss in the state. Could I hold given my boy bogus medicine â⬠, my female parent idea. This was in fact the instance. Even though the Franol had the exact same pill signifier and was the exact same medicine that had been successful in so many other instances, the Franol she had given to her boy was forgery. She was devastated: ââ¬Å" I merely could n't believe it â⬠. Unfortunately, this was non her lone experience with imitative medicine ; anti-malarial forgeries were besides common in Nigeria. This occurred in the late eightiess as was mentioned before. One would hold expected that things have gotten much better. Unfortunately, non much had changed when my pa visited earlier this twelvemonth. In fact, as my male parent provinces, some facets have become even more inferior: ââ¬Å" some things are worse as doctors now openly divert patients to their private clinics, something that was barely seen during my clip at that place â⬠. So the basic inquiry that most would inquire is: why has at that place been so small alteration in the efficaciousness of the medical market place? Why can the Nigerian medical market place non germinate to go like that of the United States or others that are smartly regulated? The inquiry is more sophisticated answer than one would anticipate In fact, these inquiries can merely be answered by analysing another inquiry and the cardinal issue of my treatment: how and why does the efficaciousness of the Nigerian medical market place differ from the American system? To be clear, when I mention medical market place, I am specifically mentioning to the buying, merchandising, and efficaciousness of pharmaceuticals and equipment as they are distributed and wheedled in the community to ordain good wellness. Before I delve more profoundly into the issue, it is necessary to set the treatment into context with a elaborate description of Nigeria ( in contrast with the U.S. ) including critical statistics and wellness attention systems, among other things. With a late counted population of more than 144 million people, Nigeria is the most thickly settled state in Africa. Compare this to somewhat more than 300 million in the United States. Located in West Africa, it is somewhat more than twice the size of California and boundary lines the Gulf of Guinea, between Benin and Cameroon. Life anticipation is 44 old ages and 45 per centum of the population is under 15 old ages of age ( Chankova et al. , 1 ) , while life anticipation in the U.S. is about 70 old ages of age. The under-five mortality rate per 1,000 unrecorded births is 201 while the maternal mortality rate is estimate at 800 per 100,000 unrecorded births ( 1 ) . Among the major subscribers to the disease load of the state are malaria, TB, and HIV/AIDS. There are great disparities in wellness position and equity of wellness attention among different population groups in Nigeria. For illustration ââ¬Å" the under-five mortality rate in rural countries is estimated at 243 per 1,000 unrecorded births, compared to 153 per 1,000 in urban countries. While 59 per centum of adult females in urban countries deliver with a physician, nurse, or mid married woman, merely 26 per centum of adult females in rural countries do so â⬠( 1 ) . Harmonizing to the World Health Organization, the entire outgo on wellness in Nigeria as per centum of GDP is equal to 4.1, about four times less than that of the United State at 15.5 per centum. The national wellness attention policies, schemes, and guidelines have been mostly related to turn to the wellness jobs related to malaria, TB, and HIV/AIDS. ââ¬Å" A five-year strategic program for RBM was developed with chief aims to cut down the morbidity and mortality of malaria by 25 per centum by the terminal of 2005, peculiarly among pregnant adult females ; and to cut down malaria instance human death by 10 per centum in pregnant adult females and kids by the terminal of 2005 â⬠( 2 ) . However, these attempts have mostly been uneffective because of corruptness and inefficiency. The wellness service proviso in Nigeria includes a broad scope of suppliers in both the populace and private sector, such as public installations, every bit good as community based and religions based organisations. Nigeria is a federation with three grades of authorities: federal, province, and local. Responsibility for wellness service to the populace is based on this organisation. Each degree has a primary function in this wellness duty, which is non unlike that of the U.S. The first degree of attention is local. Facilities at this degree organize the entry point of the community into the wellness attention system. ââ¬Å" They include wellness centres and clinics, dispensaries, and wellness stations, supplying general preventative, healing, and pre-referral attention. Primary installations are typically staffed by nurses, community wellness officers, community wellness extension workers, and environmental wellness officers. Local Government Areas are mandated by the fundamental law to finance and manage primary wellness attention â⬠( 2 ) . The following degree is province, including secondary attention installations. Secondary attention installations include ââ¬Å" general infirmaries, supplying general medical and research lab services, every bit good as specialized wellness services, such as surgery, paediatricss, OBs and gynaecology. General infirmaries are typically staffed by doctors, nurses, accoucheuses, research lab and pharmaceutics spe cializers, and community wellness officers. Secondary degree installations serve as referral points for primary wellness attention installations. Each territory or zone is expected to hold at least one secondary degree wellness installation â⬠( 2 ) . The largest degree of attention is federal or third. The third degree installations form the highest degree of wellness attention in the state and include specializer and instruction infirmaries and federal medical centres. They treat patients referred from the primary and secondary degree and have particular expertness and ââ¬Å" fully fledged technological capacity that enables them to function as referral centres and resource centres for cognition coevals and diffusion. Each province has at least one third installation. Primary and secondary degree of attention is besides provided by the mostly unregulated private wellness sector, which includes a broad scope of suppliers such as physician patterns, clinics, and infirmaries â ⬠( 2 ) . Outside of the modern wellness attention system, faith-based organisations support clinics and infirmaries and traditional herb doctors are another often used beginning of attention. Nigeria has one of the largest stocks of human resources for wellness in Africa comparable merely to Egypt and South Africa. There are about 35,000 physicians and 210,000 nurses registered in the state, which translates into 28 physicians and 170 nurses per 100,000 in the population. ( 3 ) . However, this figure is still dwarfed by the United States. In comparing, the U.S has 218 physicians and 958 nurses per 100,000. In add-on, there is a really limited ( about non-existent ) local capacity for research and development of advanced pharmaceutical drugs to be put in to the medical market place. This means that the local fabrication capacity is merely geared towards a little category of common generic merchandises that are comparatively easy to fabricate. Even so, much of that capacity is for secondary packaging instead than for existent fabrication. Harmonizing to my male parent: ââ¬Å" capacity use is merely approximately 40 % due to hapless basic substructure such as electric power coevals â⬠. Imagine what that excess 40 per centum could make. In footings of the medical market place, a prescription is non needed to purchase antibiotics and most common medicines in Nigeria. Prescriptions are merely needed for controlled substances like opiods or benzodiazepines. Peoples can acquire ill and walk into a pharmaceutics inquiring for a peculiar sort of antibiotic. An immediate return of antibiotics is non possible without a prescription in the U.S. As good, Nigeria relies to a great extent on importing of finished pharmaceutical merchandises to run into national drug demands. Therefore, the pharmaceutical supply concatenation is really helter-skelter and until late was really ill regulated. Even so, the current regulative system has really limited capacity, particularly with the widespread corruptness and unequal enforcement of Torahs and ordinances, some of which are long disused. Unlike in the US, go oning instruction is non emphasized. Health attention suppliers frequently are non held decently accountable for their determina tions on attention, mostly because the patients are by and large uninformed and unempowered to be spouses in their attention. Added to all of the above is the fact that there is widespread superstitious notion, ignorance, and poorness. Many people still believe an unwellness to be a expletive visited on them by wicked/evil people or the spirit of their ascendants. There are still deep rooted beliefs in enchantresss. As a consequence, people foremost consult mediums, churches, mosques, traditional medical specialty men/women, and untrained drug shop attenders for intervention of common complaints. Others self-medicate. Often, the people use the infirmary or trained physician ââ¬Ës office as a last resort when their conditions are in advanced phases or worse, terminal. Let me besides add that in infirmaries and exigency suites, drugs and other supplies are frequently non-existent. In fact, my pa recounted sing a kids ââ¬Ës exigency room 6 old ages back: ââ¬Å" I remember sing a kids ââ¬Ës exigency room in 2004 when we visited merely to see a kid with diabetic coma whose parents were told to travel to a pharmaceutics shop in town to purchase their ain insulin, syringe, needle, extract set, and extract, among other supplies needed. As if that was non bad plenty, subsequently he was told by the physicians in the exigency room that the insulin he bought was forgery and that it will non cut down the girl ââ¬Ës blood sugar. He now had to travel looking for a echt insulin injection â⬠. An incident like this is can ne'er go on in the United States. If this were to go on in the U.S. and be reported by the imperativeness, there would instantly be an probe into the infirmary ââ¬Ës method, people would be arrested and caputs would turn over. But in Nigeria, no one even water chickweeds. Subsequently my male parent recounted some more of his experiences with the medical market place in Nigeria: ââ¬Å" In 2005, I was in another infirmary to see the caput of the infirmary who used to be my co-worker in the section of paediatricss of a teaching infirmary in another metropolis. While chew the fating with him, his caput of surgery came into his office to inform him that they can non make any surgery that twenty-four hours because they have run out of all surgical kits but one, which they are reserving for a desperate exigency â⬠. One must maintain in head that these two incidents occurred in the really best and largest infirmaries in those two several metropoliss. Imagine a sawbones in New York City non being able to execute life-saving surgery because he has merely one surgical kit left to utilize. What tumult would such a thing cause! These two incidents and the aforesaid issues are among the many factors that foster the counterfeiting of drugs and have led to th eir overpowering presence in the Nigerian medical market place. In an interview with my ma, she stated, ââ¬Å" they say that 60-70 % of pharmaceuticals in the market topographic point of Nigeria were imitative â⬠. However, in my interview of my male parent he refuted that statistic: ââ¬Å" of pharmaceutical merchandises in the market, approximately 20 % are estimated to be imitative â⬠. So which statistic is accurate? Well, merely the fact that there is some difference as to the sum of forgeries on the market suggests that there is an innate job with the information that is distributed to the population. My parents are highly educated compared to the mean Nigerian, yet there still seems to be some dissension. ââ¬Å" Everyone involved in contending the illegal trade admit how hard it is to quantify the job and hence step its success â⬠. As stated by Abiodun Raufu of the World Health Organization, the forgery market thrives on ignorance among the people: ââ¬Å" In 2001, most Nigerian consumers were unmindful to the danger of f orgery drugs. ââ¬ËFake drug traders used to boom chiefly because of a deficiency of consciousness ââ¬Ë [ stated Dora Akunyil ] . Warnings were broadcast on wireless and telecasting to do the public aware of the dangers and to promote people to describe leery drugs. Newspapers on a regular basis published lists on forgery drugs. Last twelvemonth, fake drugs deserving about two billion naira ( US $ 16 million! ) were voluntarily handed over by forgers or seized after tip-offs from the populace â⬠. Progression is being made but his deficiency of consciousness will finally forestall the cognition of caution from spreading through the population. How does this contrast with the U.S. ? Surprisingly, there is a turning job of forgery drugs in the U.S. every bit good because of the turning disposition of upper category society to seek ââ¬Å" non-traditional â⬠medicine imported from different states. Harmonizing to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medi cine: ââ¬Ëmore than one-third ( about 36 % ) of U.S grownups use complementary and alternate medical specialty and that figure is on the rise â⬠. Let ââ¬Ës travel back to the about tragic narrative of my older brother and his terrible asthma onslaughts. Although the consequence was about tragic, my ma did what she was supposed to make. She gave her boy medicine that she expected to assist alleviate his symptoms. So whose mistake was it? Depending on who you ask the reply will change, most patients will fault the physician because he was the 1 who wrote the prescription. Others will fault the druggist because he was the 1 who bottled the medicine as if it was the exact same medicine. Still others will fault themselves for giving their kid medicine that hurt them. To this twenty-four hours, my ma blames herself for what occurred and remains cautious when she gives her kids medicine. Even so, indicating the finger is non of import in this state of affairs. More of import than who is to fault is analysing whether the state of affairs is still salvageable. At some point in every issue or treatment, there is a point of no return, where any solution becomes inaccessible. Could the medical market place in Nigeria have already been packed to the top with so many forgery drugs that it will be impossible to blush them all out, or at least to the degree of tolerability? Still, some argue that an chance exists for betterment in the Nigerian pharmaceutical sector and the full wellness attention system. There was a recent U.S. wellness attention reform jurisprudence passed in March 2010. While the jurisprudence ( Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act [ PPACA ] ) remains controversial, the jurisprudence expanded coverage to the antecedently uninsured and those with preexisting medical conditions, provided single authorizations so that those who are healthy can purchase insurance coverage thereby avoiding an unduly big bad pool that the insurance companies may be left with, and developed the program for the constitution of Patient Centered Outcome Research Institute ( PCORI ) to measure comparative effectivity of attention, among many other commissariats ( Kruger ) . Many Nigerian physicians, particularly those in the U.S. have discussed the possibility of suggesting statute law that has elements of this American statute law. There is talk that such a proviso may come up on the national treatment in the following 10 old ages. Besides, Nigeria has been at the head of planetary attempts to contend forgery drugs since Dora Akunyili took over the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control ( NAFDAC ) in 2001 ( Raufu ) . ââ¬Å" Before Akunyili took over, staff abused their place to extort money from honest makers at the same clip as taking payoff from forgers in return for entree to the Nigerian medical specialties market. Akunyili fired the most corrupt of her officers. To promote honestness among her staying 3000 staff and to hike morale, she offered inducements such as preparation abroad, improved installations and a better working environment â⬠. Nevertheless, no affair how promising this sounds, the obliteration of such jobs as counterfeiting is non even remotely close. The solution to these jobs ( which besides reflects what is go oning within the full society ) rests with leading. As my male parent pr ovinces: ââ¬Å" Nigerian leaders and elites non merely steal public money instead than utilize such money to for the greater good of the people, they and their households fly abroad for their wellness attention and their kids ââ¬Ës instruction. So they lack the will or involvement to do things better for the generalization of the population â⬠. Furthermore, nil in the medical market place will alter because leading will ne'er basically change for the greater good of the people of Nigeria. The point of no return has been reached.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Manging Communication Knowledge and Information - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 18 Words: 5297 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2017/09/13 Category Advertising Essay Did you like this example? INTRODUCTION Information or processed data is essential for any action we take. For example when we are travelling in the road somebody can be gifted with knowing the data such as names of the roads and the direction, but to use it he or she should use this to make the map which can be considered as the information gathered. The knowledge he or she has on using the map correctly to take the decision of choosing the correct road to travel in. which will be stored the personââ¬â¢s mind as wisdom. Whenever he or she wants to repeat the procedure without starting from the first with the gathered wisdom he or she can work out. The same theory applies when carrying out a business. The presence of correct information and the use of correct knowledge in effective decision making. [pic] (Sunday, September 05, 2010 https://www. systems-thinking. org/dikw/dikw. htm. ) 1. INFORMATION AND KNOWLEDGE 2. 1 USEFUL INFORMATION NEEDED As in all other organisations the mobile manufacturing organisation too has divided the organisation into separate departments. Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Manging Communication Knowledge and Information" essay for you Create order Important data from all departments add up to produce important information needed for effective decision making. 2. 1. 1 PAST INFORMATION â⬠¢ The amount of mobiles manufactured within the last five years- by taking and analysing the amount of mobiles manufactured per year in past the five years, information of whether the number of mobiles manufactured has reduced or increased can be gathered. If reduced by what percentage, if increased by what percentage can also be found. The specific years with a drastic increase or a reduction can also be gathered. The variation done for the quality of the mobiles in past five years- any records of increments in the mobiles during the past years will give the information of the intensity the attention the company has given to the quality of the products. â⬠¢ Sales within past five years- the separate figures of the sales of past years together displayed will give the information whether the sales has declined or not. The percentage or th e depth of the angle of decline or increase with the consecutive years is presented. The profits and losses report of the past five years performance- the information of the amounts of profits gained is gathered. That is the decrease or the increased amount of profit with the year. And also is the company has faced any losses and the percentage amount of increased profits and losses can also be found. â⬠¢ The success of the marketing plans implemented in the past- important information about one of the companyââ¬â¢s strategies laid within past years is reviled for analysing purpose. Information such as the mistakes, new ideas and so on can be gathered by analysing information produced marketing plans. â⬠¢ Customer feedbacks recorded in the past five years- this will give the most important part for the decision making statements, because all the plans to lay should be based to satisfy the customers. The past records of ant customer feedback will indirectly give information of customer satisfaction over the years. â⬠¢ The most sold model through out existence- the most sold model information will give the model sold and the details of that model. Therefore when choosing the features to be added the decisions makers can make a successful decision. 2. 1. 2 PRESENT INFORMATION â⬠¢ Present manufacturing model with the highest demand- the product details the contribution towards the total revenue the model alone are information that will be important on deciding the features to be added, the quality increments. â⬠¢ Current raw material used details and supplier details- the data provided will act as a test for the suppliers and the raw materials they offer. The need for changes of the raw materials or suppliers can be taken form this. In stock excess amount of mobiles present- the information about the amount of unsold mobiles phones in the organisation can be used by the decision makers to decide on the whether the manufacturing targets should be reduced. Whether there are specific models that need to be eliminated from the manufacturing process. â⬠¢ Technology and machines used at present- this information will great ly help a decision that should be made in differentiation of the mobile quality. Because if the technology and machines used are old then obliviously the quality of the mobiles are low. Do we have enough cash in hand for further production- since the organisation has faced a dramatic sales decline the decisions made to be implemented as a remedy for the cause should be worth trying to make it a success. Laying new strategies will definitely mean more marketing and distribution. And also money should be there to carry out a research on the progress of the strategy laid. Therefore Prior notice of giving information about the how much the organisation can implement will help the organisation to make effective decisions. The number of competitors in the market- information produced from a study about the competitors in the market is the most important when making a decision. Competitors with the largest threat, the competitors products, the new entries are some important information a s trategic level can use when laying term plans. â⬠¢ The most famous ten models in the market at present- information about the company standard in the outer world (market) the level of the mobiles manufactured in the Market can be determined. Comparison between mobile models in the market with the organisation products is also a good method of gathering information on competitor products. â⬠¢ The customer feedback method used at present- if the customer feedback method used is not reliable the organisation will get false information and will not be able to create the mobiles to carter the expected market. The customers will not be bothered to buy the product they produced for them. Therefore an inquiry about the system and methods used for assessing customer feedback is necessary. 2. 1. 3 FUTURE INFORMATION The future information lies with the decision made by the strategic level of the organisation. Therefore basically the future information will include the following- â⬠¢ The new marketing plan- all information about the seven Ps will have to distribute among all departments. This will provide important information to all departments to carry on with the future performance. (Seven Ps include details of product, promotions, place, pricing, people, physical evidence, and process) â⬠¢ Whether the quality of the phones are going be increased- specifically information of whether he quality is to be increased or not, how to increased to contain what should be provided to relative departments. Ex- without having this information the production department will not be able manufacture the expected product, the finance department will not be able to allocate the exact expected amount. â⬠¢ The new technology to be used- this information is related to the previously mentioned informat ion the producers of the mobile phone should know what technology is be used. Whether itââ¬â¢s new or same as used. If new how to use and combine with manufacturing process. The forecasted amount of sales for the coming years- the expected sales is important information that should be produced to all departments. Since all departments should set it as the goal and should work towards it. 2. 2 KNOWLEDGE NEEDED The understanding one gets from the information read or analysed can be considered as the explicit knowledge gained. Members of the strategic and tactical level will get explicit knowledge about the organisation performance over the years and the performance of the competitors by analysing the above mentioned information. For example- when the members go through information like the sales of the past five years, the percentage of customer satisfaction, the most sold model over the past years, the number of each model most demanding models, the present sales and present most demanded model and so on information will give the members the explicit knowledge of whether the sales have increased or decreased over the past years, the amount it has decreased and so on. The information like the competitors in the market before five years and at present, the customer satisfaction, and most famous ten mobile models sold in the market will give the members a clear explicit knowledge of the customer preferences and the competition in the market. With gained explicit knowledge the ability to use the gained knowledge effectively will be aided by the tacit knowledge the members will have. The addition of both will produce very effective decision. When the competition is high the knowledge of having to do something to get the sales increased is tacit knowledge. The members usually get these through experience. That is if the sale are down by a small percentage the members should know what to do exactly. Implementing strategies diversification will be a in vain waste of resources. The choosing of correct method to be applied at the correct time is decided by the tacit knowledge. No body can write a book about what strategy is best for what situation. The situations coming are not exactly the same but may be similar. So past implementation failures and achievements will help the members to decide on an effective strategy/method to be implemented. A good balance of explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge together with the information gathered will create innovative and effective decisions. (* appendix 01 definitions of past, present and future information) (* appendix 02 definitions of explicit and tacit knowledge) 3. 0 DECISIONS TO BE TAKEN [pic] (* appendix 03- description of diagram) Decisions are usually taken in this manner but sometimes the strategic has to go for all three decisions so is the tactical level and sometimes the authority for small matters to take all three decisions types is given. But the probability is high as shown in taking decisions. STATEGIC LEVEL DECISIONS â⬠¢ Financial strength- taking into account the information gathered on financial aspects the decision of whether the finance in store is enough to introduce increased quality products or more featured products or any other plan should be decided by the strategic level. The determination of financial strength has a particular pattern therefore itââ¬â¢s a structured decision. â⬠¢ Increasing product quality or not-on information gathered about product of organisation and other competitorââ¬â¢s mobiles, the level the organisation present mobiles, variation of quality a decision of whether the product quality should be increased or not should be taken. This the exact way of analysing and increasing quality of a product is not recorded; therefore itââ¬â¢s an unstructured decision. Adding new features or not similar to the above decision. On information gathered about organisational mobiles and other mobiles, customer feedbacks a decision of whether the features should be increased or not, whether it should be increased together with the quality are decisions to make. The procedure of such decision making is not specified anywhere therefore itââ¬â¢s an unstructured decision. Technology to upgraded or not-with the need to increase the sale s of the mobiles manufactured strategic level should take decisions about whether technology should be upgraded whether it will help increase sales should be taken. The decision of whether the technology is worth or not has a procedure but how upgrade is not specified therefore itââ¬â¢s a semi structured decision. â⬠¢ Sales target of the coming five years (profit expected)ââ¬â how many products should be sold and the expected revenue for the coming five years should be decided by the strategic level. This decision is made by the strategic level for all years of existence of the organisation therefore even though the procedure is not recorded there will be a created procedure, itââ¬â¢s a structured decision. TACTICAL DECISIONS â⬠¢ How to increase quality if the strategic level takes the decision to increase the quality should be decided by the tactical level managers. Is it best to increase the picture quality, camera quality, sound or games, should all the models be upgraded or is it best to choose some models are decisions associated. The information about best sold models can aid this decision. Decision is semi-structured. â⬠¢ What features to add- similar to the above decision, with the strategic level decision the tactical level should decide on what are the features to be added, dual sim support, spying camera or any other feature. This decision is a semi-structured decision. â⬠¢ Colour, style and name of the products to enter with increased quality or features- the package, the appearance and the outer designing of the mobiles should be decided before manufacturing. Whether the mobiles will have several colours for the same model, or one colour for one model, which is the most attractive appearance will be decided. This decision is structured because it has a specific procedure. This decision has been made for all the mobiles created in the organisation. â⬠¢ Is the labour skills efficient to move on- after deciding on the above decision the tactical level should be evaluate the employee power to carry on. Since the tactical level is the losest to the operational level so they should decide whether the existing work force and the talent is enough to implement the strategies. OPERATIONAL DECISIONS â⬠¢ The standard of the present technology and machines- the operational level decisions are all connected with the operations done by them. So if a decision of increasing the quality and features is passed by the strategic and tactical level with specific features and quality increments the operational level should analysis the ability of the cu rrent technology and machines. If itââ¬â¢s not enough if they can do a better job they have to take the decision to upgrade the technology used and machines. â⬠¢ Are the raw materials enough for the production with increased quality and changes and to match the set targets- sometimes the raw materials may not be enough to produce mobiles with increased quality, ordering for new raw materials may be needed to enter the new features to the mobile phones. So decision of the amount to re order and from which supplier to reorder is taken by the operational level employees. The daily tasks are usually decided by the operational level employees- when the monthly target is assigned by the tactical level the daily targets are decided by the operational level employees. Since they do not work all days of the month there own decisions of daily targets are set (mostly by employees of the production department) The operational level employees take decisions on daily done tasks. Operational level employees have a smaller percentage of power and authority when compared to tactical level and strategic level therefore they are given with a specific procedure to follow when taking the possible decisions. All most decisions are structured. 4. 0 INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND UNDERSTANDING 4. 1 INTERNAL SOURCES AND INFORMATION Internal information is the information generated from within the organisation itself. The sources of internal information can be usually categorized as follows- â⬠¢ Account ledgers- these usually include all details of the finance transaction taken place within and with the involvement of the organisation during the years of existence. This nformation also includes things like the budgets, the financial growth over the years, the financial stability at present is also provided. The account ledgers are generated by the accounts/finance department of the organisation. â⬠¢ Production department- the information passed through this section involves with the information about the product produced, the raw materials needed, the supplier details, the in stock number of mobiles, technologies used and so on. The sales information is some to some extent passed by this section. Marketing department- the reports from this section usually include information such as the current promotions, record of customer feedbacks collected over the past years, the past marketing plans implemented and success and failures, the annual cost spent of marketing purposes per year by the organisation are internal information produced by the marketing department records. â⬠¢ Human resources department- the information gathered from this section mainly in connected with the human resources in the organisation. The amount of new recruits taken, the network or technology analysts taken, the turnover amount over the years of existence, the number of employee in each department, the cost allocated for the maintaining and training the staff are information that will provided this internal source. â⬠¢ Research and development department- the number of researches done during the past years, the cost allocated and invested amounts, the developments done for the mobile phones in the past years are some internal information produced by this department records. Information produced and collected through internal sources are ninety percent reliable. Most of the information is formal information. That is they are gathered from reports, official documents recorded statements and so on. So the information gathered via internal sources has a higher accuracy and reliability than information from external sources. 4. 2 EXTERNAL SOURCES AND INFORMATION External information is collected from outside the organisation sources. Some of the external sources are mentioned below- â⬠¢ Annual reports of competitors-competitor details, the progress of the competitors, there stakeholders and other details of competitors can be taken from the annual reports produced. Word of mouth- these are rumours. Rumours about the organisation product, the competitor products are sometimes taken form rumours. The faults of products and organisations almost all time fly around in rumours. â⬠¢ Government and central bank reports produced- another important external source of information. Form central bank reports produced the organisation can check the s tatus if the business environment. How the telecommunication industry has survived in certain countries. As an international mobile manufacturer the ability to enter into countries can be foreseen by these reports. Newspapers/magazines- sometimes the magazines and newspapers carry out quiz and questionnaires about customer preferences. This information can be used to determine the performance of the mobiles of the organisation plus sometimes prediction about the customer taste can be determined which will help in future productions. â⬠¢ Websites of competitors- similar to the annual reports, but this will give more needed information such the services provided, the product details, the countries they have entered, the prices and many other comparable information can be gathered. . 0 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT As a mobile manufacturing organisation information has a vital part not only on decision making about product but information can be used for the growth of the organis ation. So as a recommendation for improvement the organisation can implement a transaction processing system(TPS),management information system, Executive information system(EIS)and a knowledge work system(KWS). By implementing a management information system (MIS) all internal information mentioned under the above topics can be viewed by less than an hour. All internal information systems are integrated and produces long periodic reports for managers including past and present information by management information systems. This system is usually used by the tactical level managers. The entry point of the information is from the Transaction process system (TPS) which is another information system used to enter data into the MIS. The operational level is usually entering the data. The reports such as monthly sales reports are produced. A sale report will show the The KWS and EIS are most important for the strategic level to make decisions for the future. The EIS integrates all internal information plus external information. By entering the information gathered from EIS to KWS new knowledge and possibilities will be shown. By taking the knowledge given by KWS new decisions to be made can be entered into EIS and view the results by the simulation facility provided by the EIS. Mobile manufacturing is connected with the technology. The technology is changing minute by minute so to match the dynamic changes in the environment the mobile manufacturing company should come up with innovative products therefore presence and use of knowledge providing database will be very helpful in decision making and the growth of the organisation. (Testing) Another service that can be provided by the organisation to customers to ensure better sales is by providing a personalized product manufacturing process via the internet. The organisation can start a webpage or an email address for customers to place orders. The features possible to be combined, the colours possible, designs along with the price for each can be displayed to the customers. The customer can be given the privilege to design the wanted phone plus the quantity need and the place the order. After which the products are delivered to any place of the world. Providing of this service also is helped if information systems are added to the working system of the organisation. Since the mobile manufacturing is connected with the technology they can enter into producing other technological products such as laptops, data transfers and so on. This can be considered as product development strategy. The number of products the customers can reach the organisation will increase. As are result the organisation revenue will increase. So even if the sale of one product is done the revenue from the others will be enough to manage the organisation until the problem is settled and hence will not disturb the company growth. These are the recommendations for improvement for the international mobile manufacturing company. 6. 0 MAINTAINING RELATIONSHIPS WITH KEY STAKEHOLDERS Strong relationships can be compared to a chemical bond, when together very strong if alone very weak. Therefore stakeholders and organisations hold the same picture. The stakeholders are the better half of any business organisation. 6. 0. 1 STAKEHOLDERS Stakeholders are all who are influenced and are influencing a business are called as stakeholders. The many stakeholders an organisation has can be categorized as shown. [pic] Out of the many stakeholders an organisation has the key stakeholders are the most important stakeholder group for an organisation. The key stakeholders identified are customers, suppliers, Board of director/chairman, Shareholders/investors, and Partners. 6. 0. 2 RELATIONSHIPS Stakeholder relationships are very important to all organisations. The relationships can be building and maintained with networking, networking is staying in touch with every one. For networks to exist the relationships should be healthy. For any relationship to be healthy and least survive the parties involved in the relationship should be satisfied. For example- if the customers are not satisfied with the organisation product the customers will not respond for any interaction made by the company. Special since the organisation is producing a good, mobiles, that customers purchase for daily usage for along period of time. If the organisation fails to fulfil their expectations and make the customers satisfied the customer-organisation relationship will not last long and to satisfy the organisation should understand them. The same is true for all other key stakeholders. If the stakeholders are dissatisfied at heart so will be the relationship. Another very important aspect in relationship maintaining is the respect each party gives and gets from the each other. Therefore organisation should respect the key stakeholders in all matters to keep and maintain a good relationship. For example-suppose a supplier doesnââ¬â¢t deliver goods at the given time from a time of few months. But the suppliers supplies high in quality raw materials always. If the organisation calls the supplier and blames him/her in an unrespectable way without even asking the reason for the delay, the respect of the supplier towards the organisation will vanish. Maybe the delay was because of a hospitalization or a funeral in the family. Instead if the organisation has inspected about the matter, and if the case was due to a funeral or hospitalization a get ell soon card a sympathy card sent would have increased the respect the organisation will get form that supplier. The relationship which was built will remain strongly if respect is given. Response can piece of puzzle to maintain corporate relationships with key stakeholders. The response is an expectation in a relationship. For example- if we take a partner (software developing companies and vendors are examples of partners of a m obile manufacturing company), due to the relationship created may call or visit and ask help on a certain matter. Just because the matter isnââ¬â¢t affecting the organisation the bodies of the organisation should turn him/her down. Whether connected or not save some time to help the partner off the matter by answering the question. When a response expected is given, the stakeholders will feel that they are important to the organisation and hence will think that the organisation is important to them too. Always try to involve as many key stakeholders as possible for important events. For example- a major supplier or two, a major partner or two can be invited to attend the annual meeting of the organisation. A major customer can be invited too, and even asked to do a presentation about his/her perception of the organisation mobile phones. Making the key stakeholders involve in important events of the organisation will enhance the relationships. To maintain a relationship with all the above mentioned points the organisation should firstly establish a method for continuous interaction between stakeholders. With continuous interaction between the stakeholders and organisation can fulfil all point to maintain a healthy relationship. With continuous interaction a lot of information can be communicated to the stakeholders and from the stakeholders. This is most important in the relationship with the shareholders/investors and for the board of directors. The shareholders and investors can be given the information and benefits of investing, by the information flow to and from the board of directors the other members will be given the correction intention of what is expected. Relationships between stakeholders and organisations are very important. By maintaining relationships the organisation can become a key stakeholder of them. 7. 0 RELATIONSHIP BENEFITS FOR ORGANISATION AND DECISION MAKING Customers- customer-organisation can provide with great tips when the strategic level s making decisions. When the organisation is maintaining a good relationship with the customers they have trust in the organisation. Due to this trust customers may tend to give suggestions for the future. Since the customers are the ones that use the mobiles manufactured their suggestion will help the organisation in taking strategic decision of introducing a new mobile or entering into another market. Sometimes the customers can give more precise information about what the market appreciates about the competitor products which too helps the strategic decisions. Suppliers- the suppliers are important to the organisation. f the organisation is able to make themselves a stakeholder of the suppliers, sometimes if the organisation is need of some extra raw material just mentioning it to some of the major suppliers, one of them might agree to supply that raw material too since both have trust on each other. Sometimes they cam suggest on better raw materials which can be used in the place instead for a cheaper price. Indirectly helping the organisation for the strategic decision of investing methods. Board of directors/chairman- are usually involved the strategic level decision making. Beside them there are senior managers included in the decision making. Sometimes the managerââ¬â¢s doesnââ¬â¢t understand the directors much due the lack of interaction. They hold grudges and tend not to take part in decision making much. But with a good relationship suggestions will flow both ways and effective strategic decision can be made/ Shareholders/investors- shareholders and investors, these stakeholders may sometimes be stakeholders of other organisations too. During informal conversations sometimes information about the benefits they get from other organisations when investing can be mentioned. These may act as tips when strategic level is laying plans to please their investors and stakeholders. Partners- there can be many partners for an international mobile manufacturing organisation. Like the customers the partners can give suggestion for market development (entering a new market) and product development (introducing new products) decisions. For example- mobiles nowadays are more technology and software based. A software developing organisation (who is partner) can suggest on new software possible to be integrated into a mobile phone. BENEFITS FOR THE ORGANISATION Not only will the stakeholder relationships help strategic level to make decisions but the benefits of the relationships will be reflected on the organisation too. Firstly by maintaining relationships both organisation and stakeholders benefit. For example consider the supplier-organisation relationship explained above. There the supplier will benefit by getting another order, the organisation will benefit by having a new raw materials at cheaper price. Maintaining relationships will have mutual benefits. Due to the relationships as shown above several suggestions can be made by several stakeholders. By this the organisation can make more practical and sure to success decisions, hence helping the business organisation to make effective decisions. By taking effective decisions organisation can reduce the wastage of finance. For instance consider the customer-organisation relationship and helping the decision making example, suggestion are so more correct matching decisions are made, the cost spent for implementing the decision will not be wasted. Therefore maintaining relationships will be cost effective to the organisation. With all the information flowing from customers, investors and others about the competitor the organisation can be competitive by making by creating innovative mobiles. Differentiations will keep the organisation as a competitor for other and will help it to survive in the market. By effective decisions made, and with the cost effective the organisation will gain, the organisation will have increased profits; the return on investment will be higher. Most of all the organisations need stakeholders for the on going of the organisation, during good tome and bad times. The relationships will ensure that the stakeholders will remain with the organisation during the bad days too. Specially will be important for the organisation in time as mentioned, where the sales declining and needs to take an important decision to ruse up. 8. 0 STRATEGIES FOR IMPROVEMENT The following are some strategies the organisation can implement to create and maintain corporate relationships- â⬠¢ Web page- the organisation can introduce a web page for the organisation. Where the customers can visit and learn about all the products and facilities they provide with their mobiles phones. So the customers will not be cheated by any shops or agents world wide who are selling the mobiles. The customers visiting can be asked to enter the email address. So questionnaires, quizzes offers and many more information can be exchanged to and fro. Hence creating respect ad loyalty in customers, building up a relationship. â⬠¢ Special offers for suppliers- a once a years or once a two years bonus scheme for the amount of raw materials supplied can be arranged by the organisation. This will create and enhance the relationships. The organisation can send greeting for seasons for major suppliers enhancing relationships. Get together- organisation can introduce the get together at least once years for the partners and organisation strategic managers. Here the partners and strategic managers will be a chance to interact freely out of business talks. Getting to know the non business personnel within the organisation will create respect in the hearts of partners and hence will make the relationships healthily. â⬠¢ Official meetings. Official meeting or conferences can be arranged once a six month, so the tactical and operational level will get to meet the board of directors. The interaction created will and information flowed both ways will make the board of directors to understand the employees of all levels and they will get to understand the board of director and hence enhancing the relationship of board of directors towards the organisation. â⬠¢ Customer member card- the organisation can present customer membership cards for all customers who are purchase straight from the agents. Where they can be given the service of producing the member card and get discounts of repairs, next purchase (from the same organisation) and so on. The discount amount can be increased with age of their customer membership card. Hence creating a relationship with the customers. 9. 0 CONCLUSION 10. 0 RECCOMENDATION 11. 0 REFFERENCE 12. 0 APPENDIX KNOWLEGDE EXPLICIT TACIT SEMI-STRUCTURED STRUCTURED OPERATIONAL UNSTRUCTURED SEMI-STRUCTURED STRUCTRURED ORGANISATIONAL OPERATIONAL TACTICAL STRATEGIC i i FIGURE 03- DECISIONS DECISIONS UNSTRUCTURED FIGURE 05- DECISION MAKING KEY STAKEHOLDERS Customers Suppliers Board of Directors Shareholder/investors Partners Government Employees Pressure groups Media HIGH POWER LOW LOW HIGH INTEREST FIGURE 05 ââ¬âSTAKEHOLDER MAPPING
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